The real reason I started this blog is for our upcoming trip to India and Nepal where we will be backpacking for 3 months. But I thought I would backtrack a little bit and give an over view of what I have been doing with myself lately.
So, since 2005 I have been living and working in the southwest. Mainly living in Colorado and working as a River Guide. I work for a company called Wilderness Aware ( and have guided commercially on the Salt, Verde, Gila, Dolores, and Arkansas rivers. I have also rafted on the Colorado, Taylor, Rio Grande, and Gauley rivers as well.
Recently, in the off season, I have found myself living with my girlfriend, Teresa, in Boulder Colorado and working as the Assistant Manager of an Outdoor Gear and Apparel shop called Backcountry Escape. We have been together for almost two years now and she recently graduated for the University of Colorado in Boulder. She also works a River Guide with me in the Summer and as a climbing instructor in the off season. In our spare time we like to get outside as much as possible whether it be the world class climbing and hiking in our back yard or making the drive up to summit county to go snowboarding.
Last spring I had bought a 15 passenger Van in which Teresa and I drove all across the country through 12 states, stopping at places I've always wanted to see. That trip makes up the majority of the pictures below in addition to some of our daily lives in Boulder and Guiding in Colorado

Rowing in the Narrows section of the Ark.

Sunset over the Sawatch Range while camping on the Ark.

Climbing Mt. Princeton with Brandon.

Sunshine Hole in the Royal Gorge section of the Ark.

Making the move at the bottom of Sunshine Falls in the Gorge. Teresa's Dad was actually on this trip with me.

Good Ole' Zoom Floom Rapid in Browns Canyon on the Ark.

That 3rd Lateral is soo fun...

Teresa scrambling to the top of Boulder Peak, a typical weekend hike in Boulder.

The Indian Peaks Range.

Climbing in the Flatirons, which are basically in our backyard.
This particular climb was on Satan's slab, which was not our route of choice and ended in us having to bail out and rappel of a very sketchy anchor.

Fall in the Rockies.

Driving along Lake Michigan in the U.P.

The Arch on Mackinaw Island, Mi.

Michigan has waterfalls too!

One great thing about Colorado is how close we are to so many different Breweries who give out free beer!

Brewery tours!!

The Grand Canyon.

During our trip to the grand canyon we encountered a pretty nasty snow storm that forced out to stay another night instead of risking driving through the night into Colorado.

But the views of the canyon the next day were well worth it.

We hiked to some cliff dwellings that were deep in the Navajo Nation near the Border of Arizona and New Mexico.

Lees Ferry, Arizona. The launching place for rafting through the Grand Canyon.

Theres really not much to the Mojave Desert.

Old out posts at Lees Ferry Arizona.

The Nose of El Cap in Yosemite.

We awoke to the valley in Yosemite covered in snow.

"It is by far the grandest of all the special temples of Nature I was ever permitted to enter."
-John Muir about Yosemite National Park

Peering over the top of Yosemite Falls.

Hiking in Yosemite is definitely not for the weak of heart..This hike took us to the top of Yosemite falls and had an elevation gain of almost 3,000 ft and was a 7.5 mile round trip hike.

You really can't appreciate how Giant the Giant sequoia's really are until you see them in person.

Lots of tourists in Yosemite.

Driving down the coast in California.

Lake Tahoe California!

Big Trees State park is home to dozens of Giant Sequoias and is only a few miles down the road from Teresa's family cabin.

The Stanislaus River.

Santa Cruz California.

My First Glimpse at the Pacific Ocean.

San Fransisco, California.

Boardwalk in San Fransisco.

Black Canyon of the Gunnison River.

The Golden Gate Bridge in some cloudy conditions.

Climbing Mt Bross, near Fairplay Colorado.

Ouray, Colorado.
Teresa and I took a break from Guiding one weekend and treated ourselves to a Bed and Breakfast along with some of the hardest hiking we've ever done.

Sunset at Camp #2 on the Arkansas River.

Garden of the Gods near Colorado Springs, Colorado.
I have taken a few trips here, once with just Teresa and I and the Other when Matt and Andy came out to visit.

Climbing Mt Lincoln, Near Fairplay Colorado.
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